Friday, 19 July 2013

Big 6

Information literacy model:
•Big 6
•Mc Kenzie Research Cycle
•Alberta model
•Pitts Research model
•Seven Pillars model
•Action Learning model

There are two definitions of Big 6:
- is a six-stage process to help anyone solve problems or  make decisions by using information. 
- is a Transformational process in which the leaner needs to find, understand, evaluate and use information in various forms  to create  for personal, social or global purposes. 

Big 6 consists of:


1- Task definition.
in this step we define the problem and it's requirements, and we generate questions that helps in clarify and define the task.
2- Information seeking behavior.
we seek information by following two strategies, Determine range resources, and prioritize sources.
3- Location and access.
in this step we locate the sources by seeking the appropriate sources   and we find or select the understandable information.
4- Information use.
we engage with information( read, hear, view, touch ), after that we extract the information.
5- Synthesis.
it's about to organize the collected information before we present it.
6- Evaluation.
it's the last step in the process where we judge the process we followed to collect the information and we judge the product that we got as a result or a solution of following the six steps. There are six standards in which we evaluate the sources, currency, accuracy, content, relevant, authority, useful. 

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